06-21-2005, 08:53 PM
first to make a true replica the fish has to be killed. for a mold is made from the fish. but ther are many replica forms that have allready been made. they just dont all have the same caricteristics. i have done some taxi work my self and reseched many companies products. i love the bodies i hate the heads. thats the main focal point for any mount. and the detail is not even close to a skin mounted fish. the bennifit to glass is they dont expand and shrink with the changing seasons wet to dry. this is what realy hurts skin mounts. but if skin is sealed right tanned right mounted right skin kicks tail every time. if you do get a glass mount go online and for fish taxidermist and veiw many differnt mounts from all over. thats wher to learn for real who you want to make you a fish.