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I'm getting too old for marathon fishing!
The plan was to fish Bird Island on Utah Lake overnight Friday. Left home at 5:00 PM with my young neighbor and the traffic was terrible all the way to about Orem. Finally launched from Lincoln Beach at about 8:30 PM. Noticed it was a little windy, but not bad. Fished Bird Island for about 1 1/2 hours and couldn't even buy a bite. Noticed the wind was getting stronger and decided to abandon staying there overnight and head back to the marina. Thank goodness I was able to backtrack with my GPS. When I got to the mouth of the harbor at Lincoln Beach some guys started yelling. I was headed right for them, and I'm sure they thought that I didn't realize I had arrived at the shore. I appreciated their efforts, but with the GPS I had marked the entrance to the marina when I first left it, so I realized I was approaching shore, and just went a little further than I had planned. Loaded up the boat, gave some perch to a shore fisherman, and headed for Strawberry at 11:00 PM. Got to the Soldier Creek Marina at about 12:30 AM, and started netting minnows. It was slow going because I couldn't see them and just had to cast the net blindly. Got about 60 minnows -- most on the large size. Headed for my honey hole. It was almost non-stop bites from about 2:30 AM to just after sunrise. We were getting so many bites that we didn't get even a minute of sleep. The bite shut off shortly after the sun came up. Trolled for a few minutes and decided to head back to Utah Lake. Launched from Lindon and motored over to AF Boat Harbor. Fishing wasn't red hot, but we managed to get a couple channel cats. Headed in because it looked like a storm was headed our way, and left for home at about 1:30 PM. I sure struggled to stay awake while driving home from Utah Lake.

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I'm getting too old for marathon fishing! - by kentofnsl - 06-25-2005, 10:35 PM

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