06-26-2005, 07:24 PM
I left my boat at the dock for a few minutes while I pulled the Suburban down. I talked to a large man (the first man I came to closest to the parking lot and fishing on the north shoreline). He told me that I should have come in earlier from Bird Island (sound advice). I told him that we stayed out there later because we had planned to spend the night by Bird Island. He said that in about four hours of fishing four of them combined had caught one channel cat. I gave a bag of perch to a young couple who were just walking out on the north dike as we were leaving, just before 11:00 PM. It was dark when we came in, so not sure a description of the boat would have helped, but it is 18' long, Star Craft, blue and white with a dark blue 85 Force outboard and a tan 6 horse Evinrude kicker. It has a BFT sticker on both side windows. BTW -- we weren't at Lincoln Beach on Saturday, just Friday evening.