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I'm getting too old for marathon fishing!
[reply]Trolled for a few minutes and decided to head back to Utah Lake. Launched from Lindon and motored over to AF Boat Harbor. [/reply]

Yep I can verify the fact in a court of law that I did see Kent loitering around in AF harbor! [Tongue] I was doing the same thing... I had just motored in thinking nobody might be in there since it was closed and all.

To my surprise and dismay I saw a boat parked right on my favorite section of the south dike of AF. So I backpedaled so not to intrude on their spot since they were there first. So I proceeded to utilize my 2nd pole permit with shrimp and crawler combo for cats, while I went bassing around for those large'uns. I saw that boat motor pass me just as I was looking at the ominous clouds approaching... it was none other than our celebrated BFT collegue KentofNSL with that favored BFT hat. I inquired if he has luck and said he caught a coupla cats. Coool. He then motored out of the harbor like a bat out of hell... since he was nowhere to be found.

I proceeded to fish some more chancing the darkening clouds. Yeah yeah I know I know, but it sure was a lotta fun watching the clouds screeching at me... I caught two cats and no bass. Then I was satisfied when I heard the oncoming winds approaching and my hair was starting to feel static...

I screamed outta the AF Harbor smacking my hull through waves like hot knife through butter but the winds blew the spray right into me...didn't care as the water and the air was so danged warm. Woooooooowwweeeee it was like surfing some rough waves.

I saw quite a few lightning and thunder rolling in and it was real surreal. 10 minutes of navigating the waves, I finally got into the harbor... boy, was it crowded. I thought to myself "why am I following those recreational watercraft people like cows to the slaughterhouse"? Nah.... I sought the low west end of the south dike to ward off most of the winds, put on my black and yellow rainsuit, and proceeded to catfish and bass at the same time.

It was amusing to see people scramble for their lives, while fishing in a calm manner. Reason for my demeanor was: I saw the clouds moving off in the direction of deer creek and strawberry. I could see the sun coming back and the winds dying down. You know the summer pattern has cells passing through the area once or twice a day and it dissapates.

I caught two more cats and I had to leave at 3 to take my kids swimming. Not bad for a day's work, with 4 cats to boot.

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Re: [kentofnsl] I'm getting too old for marathon fishing! - by iconoclasticPaul - 06-26-2005, 09:47 PM

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