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Wind, water, and de-virginazation. Lincoln Beach 06-24-2005 PM
[cool][#0000ff]Hey Cesar, I PMed you a couple of suggestions. But also, for anyone else who might be inclined to do some wading down there, BE CAREFUL. The bottom is rocky and uneven. Even if you think you know the contours very well, it is easy to slip into a crack or to step off a ledge into deeper water while wading. That is especially true around the first spring, but equally true almost everywhere now covered by water down there.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Many of the "regulars", who know the area intimately, drive down to the area just out from the orchards. There are a couple of roads that go down into the rising waters. You can wade out on those roads until you reach some of the formerly dry rocky flats. These have been holding good numbers of both walleyes and white bass for guys who know how to fish plastics. There are also channel cats for those who fish bait under a bobber, to avoid getting snagged on the rocky bottom. Sometimes you can find cats right up in the shallow water and do not have to wade very deep. But, again, be very careful and place each step cautiously. Also, if you are fishing for cats in that area, use heavy line that is abrasion resistant. The cats like to head into the flooded stickups or wallow in rockpiles.[/#0000ff]

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Re: [ocean] Wind, water, and de-virginazation. Lincoln Beach 06-24-2005 PM - by TubeDude - 06-27-2005, 11:47 AM

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