06-30-2005, 07:55 PM
Hey Jerry,
That saratoga harbor is posted no trespassing which I interpret as no walking in or parking. Years ago, when they started to close it down to the public, they even got to the point where they posted up signs stating that no one can even park on the streets in the neighborhood without threat of citation. Needless to say, I was quite about that for some time until the whole harbor dried up anyway. I'm sure there's quite a bit of water there now.
That saratoga harbor is posted no trespassing which I interpret as no walking in or parking. Years ago, when they started to close it down to the public, they even got to the point where they posted up signs stating that no one can even park on the streets in the neighborhood without threat of citation. Needless to say, I was quite about that for some time until the whole harbor dried up anyway. I'm sure there's quite a bit of water there now.