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Echo on a Sat. afternoon - BIG mistake!!!
[crazy]Mrs. W2D and I hauled the boat up to Echo today about 3:00pm for an afternoon of fishing - what a freaking zoo!!! Then again, it was our 1st trip to the reservoir, so maybe it was situation normal.

The launch area at Echo Resort was a parking nightmare, with many rigs were parked out along the east-side lake road. With the wind, the ski-wakes, and the fact that Mrs. W2D is still working on her boating/trailering skills, we headed home and decided to try again another day.

Never did get close enough to see the ramp - what's that like? Mrs. W2D has been spoiled by the South Marina facilities at Willard Bay - easiest launching in N. Utah - but we thought we would try something less buggy for a change.

Next time we decide to try Echo, we're thinking a Sunday morning or a Wednesday afternoon or evening.

Is this place always so crowded!?!?


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Echo on a Sat. afternoon - BIG mistake!!! - by wades2deep - 07-09-2005, 11:34 PM

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