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Catfishing at Lincoln Beach
I found this post on Doug Miller's forum. I edited it (it was in all caps) to make it easier to read. Not sure what to make of it:

"Utah Lake Catfish
Posted By: [url ""]Joe Swatsell[/url]
July 11, 2005 12:26 am

If you want to catch a whole bunch of catfish such as channel cats, take it from me use Charles Blood Bait in the white tub at Wal-mart. Give up the old standards, liver, shrimp, worms, carp meat. I caught so many fish on the 8th of July at Lincoln Beach that I filled 7 other stringers of 8 each nothing under 4 lbs. My arms were sore from landing so many fish. Keep the bait packed with ice around it to keep it firm. A size 6, or 8 treble hook with a nice size slip sinker, mine is 3 oz. You have got to reach that 100 to 150 foot mark out from the dike. I have such faith in this set up that if the fish are biting at all that i will be able to fish rings around anybody. Use it. It will amaze you. On the Jordan River last year I caught a 19 lb 2 oz channel, and that was a little one compared to others I have caught and lost. Use this I beg you. Your life will change as you know it. I have been using this system for almost 10 years. The fish are getting tired of the old stuff wake up. I don't have to tell you good luck because I know what will happen if you use this system. Your dreams will come true fishing...


Catfish Joe"

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Catfishing at Lincoln Beach - by kentofnsl - 07-11-2005, 01:51 PM

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