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Saturday Strawberry Report
[unimpressed]Hit the water at the Strawberry Bay ramp by 7:30 a.m. and tried all the usual spots that have been productive in the past. It was really strange because we could not find any fish on the finder other than an occational loner. Tried several places in East Portal Bay, ladders, & Sage Hen Knoll with only limited success. Between the latter two spots my Dad's pole went over the side and after several minutes casting a weighted trebble hook, I snagged the line and brought in his pole with a 17+" rainbow on the other end. Sometimes you just get lucky. Decided to change tactics and we trolled all the way back to the marina with U20 Frog Flatfish and couldn't keep them off the hook. Landed a boatload of slot cuts 16"-21". Still looking for the rainbows. Mr. J.

Messages In This Thread
Saturday Strawberry Report - by MRJ - 07-11-2005, 03:24 PM
Re: [MRJ] Saturday Strawberry Report - by MGB - 07-12-2005, 12:23 AM

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