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Catfishing at Lincoln Beach
I ran into a guy not to long ago at Lincoln beach that had this exact same setup as was described. Even down to the hook size, 3oz sinker, and icing that special bait and was talking about the bait the same way. He said that he hits the beach 3 times a week. And come to think of it, he was bragging about his 19lb catfish from the Jordan River and all of the ones that he has lost that were much much bigger. He also said that right before I got there he had lost the fish of a lifetime... and all on that special magical bait.
He was a bit of a "kook." He kept talking about how education was a scam put on by the government and we don't need it because all the money we could ever want is in the internet.
Don't get me wrong, he was a really really nice guy but, not the kind that you would want to leave your kids with. [crazy] [crazy] [crazy]

Messages In This Thread
Catfishing at Lincoln Beach - by kentofnsl - 07-11-2005, 01:51 PM
Re: [kentofnsl] Catfishing at Lincoln Beach - by here-fishy-fishy - 07-12-2005, 06:06 AM

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