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Catfishing at Lincoln Beach
I have often used 3 oz sinkers and large hooks for cats. The bait I was using was anything from the mess decks, but mostly chunks of ham. I was also fishing in the Cooper River in South Carolina from a US Destroyer. The tides and currents there would be vicious but there were brackish water catfish there that were a riot to reel in. Then after you hooked them you would have to haul them up the side of the ship about 20'. I used to pull a midwatch and then after watch and before morning quarters we would fish for a few hours.

Oh one day I will spin more tales of fishing while in the Navy. There is nothing like fish tales and sea stories, and when you combine them they can be the greatest tales/stories of all.

Messages In This Thread
Catfishing at Lincoln Beach - by kentofnsl - 07-11-2005, 01:51 PM
Re: [kentofnsl;cbr] Catfishing at Lincoln Beach - by pennyfarmer - 07-14-2005, 05:27 AM

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