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Please help...What sharks are good to eat ???
Hi Danny: I am only familiar with West Coast sharks.The Mako and Thresher are really good eating. In fact for a long period restaurants were selling Mako sharks as Broadbill Swordfish. You couldn't tell the difference. Lately the Health Department has cracked down and the retaurants cannot mis-lable for fear of monetary penalties. Mako and Threshers are bluewater off shore sharks and you wouldn't catch them near the beach. But I think they catch lots of them off your coast. The answer to eating any fish is the handling of them when they are caught. Sharks degenerate faster than any fish I know of. They must be immediately placed on ice and never allowed get warm.They're really simple to to prepare. Steak them in half inch pieces. The knife slices easily through their cartilage spine. Marinate the steaks in Italian Dressing and fire them on the Barbecue.Yummy! GVZ

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Re: [DannyOCMD] Please help...What sharks are good to eat ??? - by gvanzant - 07-30-2005, 03:03 PM

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