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Report: Willard walleyes and lead core line 07/29/05
Hey WH2,

Thanks for the response !

We were trolling with about 6 colors out at between 2.4 and 3.2 MPH in 20 + foot of water using Producers and other crankbaits. It seemed as though, while using the floaters and suspenders, the line dragged but the lures did not(especially when turning - which I probably do too much of while trolling). The divers on the other hand, did bounce along the bottom but we could only get about 3 colors out with them before they were hitting the bottom too hard for comfort. Interestingly however, the divers caught most of the fish - a couple, almost(in relative terms) right under the boat. Maybe it's my approach - I do the same kind of thing as you with my presentation, but, I kind of go the opposite way - I start trolling with one color out and then increase it as I go - to explore the different levels of the water column - depending on what I see on my fish finder. In other words, I start out on the top and then work my way down rather than go from bottom up. Sounds like your method might be more efficient during the summer months when lots of fish go deep.

With the worm rigs on lead core, we had only about one color out ( I have 27 pound lead core with a 6 + foot leader ) with the offering just tapping the bottom as we drifted - the lead core itself was not touching the bottom. There was only a slight breeze and we moving quite slowly. We did notice that the fish were caught after some waves(supplied by some "thoughtfull" and all too close water skiers) provided a distinct jigging action to our presentations. I am sure I don't quite have this technique down yet, and was wondering if you could maybe give me a little more insight ?

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Re: [wiperhunter2] Report: Willard walleyes and lead core line 07/29/05 - by Fishhound - 07-31-2005, 11:55 AM

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