08-25-2005, 06:20 PM
It has always been illegal to park next to an interstate. The only authorized access to them is the on ramps. It is also illegal to do a u-turn, I'm sure you've all seen the signs at paved sections between the roads that highway patrolmen frequent. It is also illegal for pedestians to be in these areas. I grew up within walking distance of the river between the mouth of the canyon and Riverdale and used to walk down to it, having to cross the roadway. I was stopped on occasion by highway patrolmen informing me that I shouldn't be crossing them. I also know the local judge in South Weber and he would never budge on tickets written to motorists who did u-turns between the freeway. It's unfortunate that they will be closing down a big section of water. It isn't so much the fisherman that are causing the problem. A section is being used by paintball enthusiasts and there are so many cars pulled to the side of the road it looks like a disorganized parking lot on one section. It does create a huge safety hazard with people pulling on and off the freeway. I just hope the proposed weber river parkway can be completed.