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Really Big Day At Irvine: What A Difference A Real Lake Makes!
[cool] Thanks for the kind words. I really love to fish, and I fish anywhere and everywhere, from getting "rocked" by thuggish yellowtail at Catalina, to battling grumpy tilapia at Balboa Park Lake. As for getting photographs, I tried to get my wife to snap my Irvine lunkers, but the camera battery was dead. and we were both too tired to deal with it. I barely had enough strength to clean and eat 'em! Speaking of cleaning, two of the huge rainbows I caught were females, totally packed with roe. What's the best way to cure the roe so you can use it for bait? I know Pro Cure makes a curing solution, but what about homemade methods that are quick and easy. I tried my favorite search engine for some roe recipes, but they all seemed too complicated--only use purified water, wear rubber gloves, use Borax, don't use Borax, do the hokey pokey etc. I know that roe is killer bait. About two years ago I was at Laguna Niguel getting thrashed by the "skunk." The guy next to me kept reaching into his cooler, baiting his hook, and then flipped it out about twenty feet or so. Every cast, he was hooked up within seconds, and limited out very quickly. I asked what he was using, of course, and he said trout roe. As I was admiring his stringer--all three pounds or larger--he asked if I wanted some of his roe. Well, since I pride myself on not being a complete idiot, I said yes. And the rest was history. The trout were taking numbers to get a taste of my roe bait. Within a half hour you could have put a fork in me--I was done! One of the best trout limits I have every caught! So any help with roe curing would be greatly appreciated. As for my next trip, I'm not really sure. Maybe jump on one of those "all sand dabs, all the time" sportfishing boats. . .a return trip to Irvine would be great. . .of course there's always Castaic or Pyramid for stripers--I've got some great trout imitation lures I have yet to try out. . .then there's Piru, which, I've heard, is literally stuffed with trout. . .and I haven't been to the San Gabriel River since the Clinton administration. . .or I could "go local" and visit Bouquet Canyon Creek--great trout fishing but watch out for the poison oak!. . .But. not matter where I go, I will post a detailed fishing report--the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help me Izaak Walton! And I will try to get some photos posted. Meanwhile, it's back to work, the fisherman's curse!

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