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Strawberry report 8-23-05 thru 8-24-05
Fished the Berry friday and saturday. The water temp has dropped 10 to 12 degrees in the last two weeks. It is now 56 to 58 degrees. And the fish have moved shallow. There were twelve people and 4 boats in our group. I started of fishing the 30 to 35 foot depths that had been producing the last few months with only a few small fish for our efforts. One of our group went in close to shore and started casting Rapalas to shore and started hooking fish. They let the rest of us know and we moved shallow and started catching fish. We fished water as shallow as 5 feet. Everyone caught a lot of fish. I lost count of mine but it was upwards of 40 fish over two days. Between the twelve of us we caught 16 fish over the slot. With the long fish going to a pair of 25 inch cutts. But the big fish going to a 23 inch 17 inch girth rainbow.

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Strawberry report 8-23-05 thru 8-24-05 - by Bigfishrule - 09-25-2005, 03:36 AM

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