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Lincoln Beach foursome 9-23-05
Practicing conservation ? You way too kind ! Unless that's how you say "half asleep at the wheel" or semi-delerious. No, I'm afraid it was a series of comedic errors on my part and trying for the wrong fish in the wrong place at the wrong time. I was stupid and forgot my light and couldn't see in the dark, so I had to go with what I had set up on my rods the day before and it was apparently all wrong. Oh well, I had originally intended to catch some white bass and walleye - I already had catfish fillets in the fridge from the day before.

I started out with one rod rigged with a walleye crawler/minnow spinner just off the bottom trooling set-up in chartruese, another rod with a float and tiny hook for white bass, and the last rod had just a trolling black head roadrunner with a white grub and chartruese tail.

Like everyone else, I was marking lots of fish and got a few inquiries but no real serious takers. After seeing FairwayPhilly's monster walleye(and that hugh grin he was sporting when he waved it at me), I had enough light to change everything to walleye rigs - and went for it trolling. All I got for my effort were a lot of bottom snag bent rods, ruined hooks and a forced cut off that I couldn't get unsnagged - lost a good walleye rig.

About 3/4 of the way through the day TubeDude, gave me a few of his home growed float jigs and I finnally gave up and tried for some catfish. But by that time, I think the catfish bite had dwindled to nothing already. Anyway, right after rigging up with one of his jigs, I got the worst snag of the day and bent the nice hook on it straight as a sewing needle and went back to looking for a white bass to play. Didn't happen though.

Oh well, I still had a great day on the water and vicariously enjoyed hearing of everyone else's successes over the radio.

P.S. FairwayPhilly, Sorry I feel asleep on the way home and wasn't much conversation. I only had about 2 hours of sleep the night before. That was a great fish you got - I'm glad the pictures turned out OK.

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Lincoln Beach foursome 9-23-05 - by TubeDude - 09-24-2005, 12:35 AM
Re: [TubeDude] Lincoln Beach foursome 9-23-05 - by Fishhound - 09-25-2005, 12:35 PM

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