10-03-2005, 12:44 AM
Made it up to strawberry today with N.E.T.O. The weather was perfect when we arrived, no wind and about 50 degrees air temperature. About 10:00 a breeze moved in and then about 11:30 it startd to blow fairly hard but we where able to hold our postion so the wind was not a factor. At 2:00 the gusts of wind where strong and our anchor was having a hard time holding. By then we had caught enough fish and decided to call it a day since the weather was geting worse.
It didn't take long to locate a school in 33' of water holding tight to the bottom. We droped jiggs down to them and started hooking up. We each hooked up with over 3 dozen cutts a piece. Caught several 20 inchers and about 5 between 22-23 inches. Caught 1 rainbow and a cutt that had two mouths. I have heard of cutts being caught with two mouths but I have never seen one before untill today.
Surface temperature was 53 degrees.
It didn't take long to locate a school in 33' of water holding tight to the bottom. We droped jiggs down to them and started hooking up. We each hooked up with over 3 dozen cutts a piece. Caught several 20 inchers and about 5 between 22-23 inches. Caught 1 rainbow and a cutt that had two mouths. I have heard of cutts being caught with two mouths but I have never seen one before untill today.
Surface temperature was 53 degrees.