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I have been sick all week, but I got out today and decided to try mantua.
I need a little clarification on the regualtions though.
Is puking over the side of the boat considered chumming?

I might be able to help you out a bit.
I got there not know ing what to expect.
So I wasnt prepared for anything.

I fished around the ramp for a bit while I waited for the transducer to get an accurate water temp reading.

52 degrees.
Pretty warm weather the last couple days.
I wasnt seeing much in the way of tall milfoil so I figure is must have pretty well dropped.
That would turn down the crawfish bite, and with the gills moving deep, I figured the north end where the flat drops would be the place to be.

So I fired up the engine and ran up there.
The drop is probably 400 yds off the bank but its not hard to find.
With the warm weather we have had the past couple days I fogure a rattle bait would cover the water fast and get them too.

Man, two casts in and I was surprised at how agressive the hit was.
It was just a little 12 inch bugger, but look at how deep it creamed that lure.
[inline 100_0606.JPG]

I kept fishing that for about an hour or so and got about 5-6 bass between 12 and 15 inches.
[inline 100_0608.JPG]
I couldnt figure out why I had to reel the thing so fast to get them until the water warmed up one more degree.

Then I saw them. The bass were suspended just under the surface.
Actually I saw one "tail" about 15 feet off the side of the boat.

There was a ton of them in the area, all between 12 and 16 inches.
The reason I had to reel so fast was to keep the bait from going too low.

Well I know how to fix that.
So I pulled out a husky jerk.
If I pop it hard it will stay shallow.
[inline "glass ghost.jpg"]

They were just slamming that husky jerk.
After a bit that color wore off so I switched up.
[inline 100_0607.JPG]

The little buggers just kept going.
In 3 1/2 hrs I boated about 30 fish.

They were just hanging out up there sunning themselves right near the surface over about 10 ft of water.

I never even pulled a plastic out all day.
Looking back, I wish I would have pulled out a 6 ft crank. I bet there was some bigger girls down there near the bottom. Plastics would have taken to long to effectivly cover all that open water, but running a rootbeer float through there might just have got me a bigger fish or two.

Messages In This Thread
Mantua - by Likes2CatchBass - 10-15-2005, 05:25 AM
Re: [Likes2CatchBass] Mantua - by Theekillerbee - 10-15-2005, 12:58 PM
Re: [Likes2CatchBass] Mantua - by maniac - 10-15-2005, 03:16 PM
Re: [maniac] Mantua - by PREDATOR - 10-16-2005, 09:16 PM
Re: [PREDATOR] Mantua - by maniac - 10-17-2005, 02:54 AM
Re: [PREDATOR] Mantua - by Likes2CatchBass - 10-17-2005, 03:54 AM
Re: [Likes2CatchBass] Mantua - by PREDATOR - 10-16-2005, 09:18 PM
Re: [PREDATOR] Mantua - by kentofnsl - 10-16-2005, 10:29 PM
Re: [Likes2CatchBass] Mantua - by Out4Trout - 10-16-2005, 11:31 PM

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