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Bear Lake ... 10-21-05
[size 2][font "Comic Sans MS"]Last minute decision to make the long drive to Bear Lake. Took my nephew's son Mat. We launched at about 3:00 PM. We figured we would do some jigging uttil it got dark and then try floating a white lead head fly under a bobber over at the marina.

We first checked out the rock pile with no success. We found a nice stack of big marks at about 34 feet but when I went back to try for them I could no longer find them. Didn't see anyone else catch anything around the pile.

About an hour before sundown we decided to make a run over to the east side. Once there we started marking consistant nice marks at about 55-60 feet. We anchored up with only about 20 minutes of light left. We both started getting some substatial bites but we were only able to get one in the boat before dark.

[inline Decent-mack-400.jpg]

We headed towards the marina in the dark. When we got back to the marina rocks, there were already about 20 people fishing the spawn. We anchored up and tried our "fly under a bobber" technique ... Nada. After an hour of nothing, we decided to call it a day. On our way in under the lights we didn't see anyone catch anything. We did see two guys suddenly rapidly jerking their rods left and right. I assumed they were trying to snag a mack coming through. Water surface temp was about 54 degrees. [/font][/size]

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Bear Lake ... 10-21-05 - by Old_Coot - 10-24-2005, 02:58 AM

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