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Fishin' with the Hooked Man!
Any time you would like to go out and catch rope, I will hook you up with location,hook size,depth and Motor control. As long as the Wind is at the right speed and the light levels are perfect. I can get you hooked up. Just call me "Rope Commander". This research trip was very valuable in locating the best rope collection site. First we will start of snaging the ropes with the cheater " USU buoys" on them. Then we will move to the more difficult,hidden down deep anchor ropes.

Messages In This Thread
Fishin' with the Hooked Man! - by BearLakeMack - 10-24-2005, 12:48 AM
Re: [Hydroteck] Fishin' with the Hooked Man! - by HFT - 10-24-2005, 08:32 PM

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