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Cache Valley Catfishing (Walleye too)
This has been the first year of my interest in catfishing and I have had a blast getting into it. Thanks to a few suggestions along the way from fellow BFT'ers I feel I even became fairly successful. My main fishing area has been on the Bear around Benson. My new question is now that we are heading into winter does the fishing for cats just die or can I continue to fish for them with success. If so are there any adjustments to techniques I should consider?

Also as I've been reading about the fall walleye bite at Utah Lake its made me wonder if anyone has any experience with this on the Bear. I know I caught several walleye over the summer while fishing for cats, would it be good to target them now?

Thanks in advance!!!

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Cache Valley Catfishing (Walleye too) - by Jethro12 - 11-04-2005, 11:45 PM

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