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Chernobyl Trout in Frogwater

The Alsea is only about 40 minutes from my home. I fish it often starting in late December through March. The glory days of the silvers are gone. As far as I know there are no hatchery cohos on the Alsea anymore. The last were planted in 1997. The native cohos are listed under the endangered species act, though I heard that may have changed in January of this year. I catch one once in awhile when I fish early, but its primarily an early chinook, late steelhead game.

We do have some summer steelhead in the S. Santiam that fish well from September through late October. There are quite a few like this:

[Image: Oct_5_2005c.jpg]

And this:

[Image: Sept%20steelie.jpg]

These fish and a few more like them were caught in September and October of this year. Hard fighters, regenerated by the first fall rains, that usually run 7-10 pounds. I like to chase them with floats and jigs, using hardware and sometimes flies when that doesn't work. Its as addictive as any other kind of fishing.



Messages In This Thread
Chernobyl Trout in Frogwater - by zonker - 11-05-2005, 05:37 AM
Re: [TubeDude] Chernobyl Trout in Frogwater - by zonker - 11-05-2005, 11:04 PM

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