11-06-2005, 04:42 AM
Well this year anyway. Wiperslayer and I made a trip up to East canyon today only to find the ramp tore up and closed until next year. It turns out that they choose this fall to put in a new ramp instead of last year when the water level was at a record low, go figure.
We weren't sure about the ramp at Lost Creek so we headed up to Rock Port. We talked to a guy that had done good trolling pop gear and a worm and several people were drifting and seemed to be catching fish. We did not do great but here is a picture of one of the fish we caught. I guess we should have gone to Willard and saved the fuel cost, but it was still nice to get out and do some fishing. WH2
We weren't sure about the ramp at Lost Creek so we headed up to Rock Port. We talked to a guy that had done good trolling pop gear and a worm and several people were drifting and seemed to be catching fish. We did not do great but here is a picture of one of the fish we caught. I guess we should have gone to Willard and saved the fuel cost, but it was still nice to get out and do some fishing. WH2