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Chukars and Grouse
Can't help you with chukars, however I can help with grouse.

Grouse it seems are rarely in the same exact place twice. They move around a lot, however they always stay close to water and food sources, specially when that includes good cover too.

Areas where there are lots of berries(oregon grape, chokecherries, elderberries, wild rose buds, etc.) and leafy greens are great for ruffed grouse, but it needs to have a water source nearby. Blue grouse can be found in the same habitat, but usually higher in elevation and near aspens/pines.

Later in the season (like now) the blue grouse begin to migrate to higher elevations and hang out in or very near to fir tree stands. The north facing slopes of many mountains are usually covered with these. The winter diet for blue grouse is almost entirely fir tree needles.

Some places that I have found grouse are in the upper portions of Rock Canyon, Daniels Canyon (in any side canyon where there are pines), near Strawberry in the aspens, and in the Uintahs south slope.

Yes, you do have to hike a lot.

Grouse hunting = hiking in steep places

Chukar hunting even more so.

Good luck to you!

Messages In This Thread
Chukars and Grouse - by fishhungry - 11-08-2005, 12:14 AM
Re: [fishhungry] Chukars and Grouse - by cat_man - 11-08-2005, 04:21 PM
Re: [fishhungry] Chukars and Grouse - by IceRod - 11-09-2005, 04:32 AM

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