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Elevated Mercury levels in Channel Cats in the Green

The fish tissue testing is just getting going in this state. This is going to be a HUGE issues. I work one of the agencies that's doing the testing (it's a different section) We don't have lots of data yet. My worst fear is that many more waters will be listed. I can't say for sure either way, it's just something that I worry about.

For those that don't know, one of the main sources of Mercury (Hg) in our water ways is coal fired power plants. As you may know there are many of these in NV and UT. There is also evidence that Hg can be transported in the atmosphere from as far away as Asia (China).

Keep your eyes and ears open. As I find things out I'll try to let you guys know what I know.


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Re: [Rapo] Elevated Mercury levels in Channel Cats in the Green - by LS - 11-12-2005, 01:36 PM

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