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fluorocarbon and ice fishing ?'s
Good stuff everyone! Very informative. It does look like I need to issue a correction,apology, whatever about the general abrasion resistance of flourocarbon. This link is quite informative and other sources corroborate it.
[url ""][/url]

My poor experiences with Vanish while ice fishing apparently can be attributed to other causes. I might have to give P-line a try on the hard deck in applications other than as leader.

All good answers lead to more questions and now I have one in light of this. As a float tuber, I don't use a large number of poles on any given trip. This summer, for bass fishing, I mainly used 2 poles; one I strung up with silver thread and used it mainly when fishing the brushy areas and pitching and retrieve fishing, and a second, that I strung up with P-line that I used for dropshotting. This pole also went with me in the high country for some trout/grayling trips, for fishing with a fly and bubble. I went out about once a week. The line on the rod with the silver thread lasted the entire season, while the p-line rod I switched out the line one time because it appeared to me to be weak. This observation seems to be consistent with what Tomegun reports. If it isn't wearing out from abrasion or from photoreactivity, why is it? Am I doing some thing wrong in its handling? I caught many good fish on both rigs (more on the silver thread pole actually) so that wasn't a factor in it's obsolescence.

Messages In This Thread
fluorocarbon and ice fishing ?'s - by bigpapafish - 11-12-2005, 02:36 PM
Re: [bigpapafish] fluorocarbon and ice fishing ?'s - by doggonefishin - 11-14-2005, 03:36 PM

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