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Float Tube Fly Fishing
Thanks for the responses guys.

Since I do several different kinds of fishing throughout the year it is important to me to get fairly well organized so I don’t end up either carrying too much equipment or leaving important things at home – especially since certain gear is shared back and forth between methods. I also fly fish in streams where it is necessary to carry extra things that aren’t appropriate for lakes and visa versa. For that matter I also fish kokanee from the regular boat and salmon/steelhead from the bank. Each specialized type of fishing takes a little different mix of containers, tackle, and vehicles.

For the trout applications I have found that a regular vest is best for tramping streams. The smaller chest vest works best for lakes. I carry a duplicate set of tools in each so I don’t need to keep moving stuff back and forth, running the risk of leaving something out. With this method the only thing I need to switch back and forth are the appropriate fly boxes. A long handled net for lakes is left clipped to my tube and a shorter handled net is left clipped to my full sized vest for streams.

Actually, a system of lists has served me quite well over the last few years. I carry a paper list in a zip lock baggie for each type of fishing. One list is in my stream vest, one in my lake chest vest, one in my kokanee tackle box (for the boat), one in my steelhead fanny pack for bank walking fishing regular gear and one in my second steelhead fanny pack for steelhead fly fishing. Backup copies of these lists are kept on my desktop PC and my handheld PDA. I add to each list anything I discover I’ve forgotten so that I don’t forget it next time. These lists have proven invaluable for quick and thorough preparation and packing. Such packing, with a reliable list, is a cool and calm endeavor rather than a feverish mind exercise where I’m worried that I will forget something. (I’ve driven 175 miles one way to fish the Deschutes River, for instance, and forgotten my wading boots. I’ve arrived at my favorite lake, miles from home, and discovered I’d forgotten flippers.) I use a slick little list program on the computer for keeping all these lists in proper order and instantly accessible.

Oh for the days when I kept everything I owned in a single tackle bag! Then again, maybe not. I often lugged things I didn't need and didn't have things that I needed.


Messages In This Thread
Float Tube Fly Fishing - by zonker - 11-15-2005, 12:49 AM
Re: [zonker] Float Tube Fly Fishing - by TubeDude - 11-15-2005, 01:23 AM
Re: [Fishhound] Float Tube Fly Fishing - by zonker - 11-15-2005, 03:19 PM
Re: [zonker] Float Tube Fly Fishing - by TubeDude - 11-19-2005, 01:47 AM

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