11-19-2005, 01:18 PM
Great post TD and for what I see a very serious problem. The only thing that I can half way relate it to is the cutts and bows out of the berry. Back when I could keep an occasional fish from there I would also open them up and check their stomach contents. I would always find algae and other forms of moss along with whatever the fish had eaten recently. The larger quantities of moss were mostly found in the bows. As you well know they spend a lot more time in or around the weed line eating small crustations and other aqatic insects. I have always found this to be the case at the berry and a few other waters around. I think this type of plant matter is a lot more digestible than what you are discribing. I hope that we get some responses from some biologist out there. If not, please notify the DWR. Maybe they could give us some answers. Hopefully the fish will move with the food and this is only a temporary, non life or body condition threat. Great question and post. Jake