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To snap ... or not to snap ????
I never use snap swivels, but I do use those duo-lock snaps all the time for crankbaits. If you're getting line twist while trolling cranks, something is wrong. And I switch baits all the time, so the convenience of a snap is great. If you tie direct, tie a loop knot. But you get maximum movement from crankbaits with snaps.

For jigs, I tie direct. If you chunk jigs with a spinning rod like I do, then line twist is inevitable. To remove line twist, remove everything from your line and let it out while driving down the lake. This will remove all line twist better than anything. I avoid using swivels for finesse applications. Though with many walleye techniques, like worm harnesses, they're needed and don't hamper the presentation.

And when I do use swivels, I use good swivels--like Sampo. Those brass cheapo's are garbage and aren't worth the savings.

Messages In This Thread
To snap ... or not to snap ???? - by Old_Coot - 12-30-2002, 09:19 PM
Re: [Old_Coot] To snap ... or not to snap ???? - by DennisW - 01-01-2003, 10:09 PM

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