11-24-2005, 04:29 AM
You could try the ice screws that ice climbers use. thos should hold a tent at high wind speeds well beyond what the tent poles can withstand plus they are light and very easy to screw into the ice.
I too was looking at that tent and I think I might buy it and give it a try. It seems like that should accomodate a group of 4 or 5 easily.
[url "http://www.rei.com/online/store/ProductDisplay?storeId=8000&catalogId=40000008000&productId=47591401&parent_category_rn=4500716&vcat=REI_SEARCH"]REI ICE screws[/url]
I too was looking at that tent and I think I might buy it and give it a try. It seems like that should accomodate a group of 4 or 5 easily.
[url "http://www.rei.com/online/store/ProductDisplay?storeId=8000&catalogId=40000008000&productId=47591401&parent_category_rn=4500716&vcat=REI_SEARCH"]REI ICE screws[/url]