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Anchoring an Ice Tent.
For those of us with power augers on the ice anchoring the shack isnt hard to do and this can e done with hand augers also.. Simply buy a length of standard 1" conduit and cut lengths a inch or two longer than the diamitere you auger cuts. drill and attach your achoring line to one end of the cut conduit and drop the roped end in the hole first allowing the free end to grip the upper portion of the achoring ice holes. NOTE you dont want to drill completely through the ice but rather just enough to get the anchors to drop completely inside the hole.. I like to use conduit because its light and wont break if it gets to cold.. What more, if you give the upper end of the anchor teeth it bites in real fast..

You can probably build a dozen for 10 bucks.. Their to simple to make and use.

Messages In This Thread
Anchoring an Ice Tent. - by DKStroutfitter - 11-23-2005, 09:11 PM
Re: [DKStroutfitter] Anchoring an Ice Tent. - by Coldfooter - 11-24-2005, 02:55 PM

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