12-10-2005, 04:49 AM
My grandfather gave me a bamboo flyrod when I was 10 or 11 and I fished with it most of my life. I finally got a grahite rod for two reasons: One, I got thinking that that old bamboo rod is worth too much both monitarily and nostalgically to risk breaking. And two, I got older and the old bamboo was too heavy especially with the automatic reel I used to fish with. I have to admit that my graphite rod(s) are lighter and easier for me to use now. The technology has also made more customization of rods (different actions and different weights built in to the rod). The only problem is that a flyfisherman can get spoiled real easily with technology. My taste is getting more expensive but my income is not keeping up. Oh yea, my bamboo rod is hanging on my livingroom wall crossed with another one I inherited from my grandfather with an old basket creel hanging from the hanger where they cross and and old fishing hat hanging from the same hanger. They look great there!