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ODC Shakedown and Evaluation (With Pics)
I finally got out today to try out my latest acquisition, my new ODC-420. I also field tested a new pair of Mares Plana Avanti X3 fins. And to top it off I also managed a few trout. I intentionally left home a bit late as it was still 29 degrees when I headed out on the 85 mile trip to my lake destination. It was a beautiful day, but quite cold. Here's a shot of Mount Hood on the way up.

[inline Hood-1.jpg]

When I arrived there was ice on the edges of the pond.

[inline ICE-1.jpg]

I wasted no time getting to the task at hand. I inflated the new ODC and carried my stuff down to the water.

[inline ODC-4.jpg]

Water was a cool 39 degrees. Fish were about.

[inline Buddy-2.jpg]

The new fins proved to be quite comfortable - much more so than the Creek Company ones I had been using since losing my last pair of Force Fins. The Avanti's are a more powerful fin than the Force Fins so they took a little getting used to. Once I adjusted my kick to match the longer, stiffer blades though, I got right into the groove.

[inline MARES-1.jpg]

I picked my fly from the leech/bugger box.

[inline Flies-2.jpg]

And soon had my first customer. Not a big trout but considering the cool water temp, I wasn't complaining.

[inline Trout-1.jpg]

The bite was fairly slow, again probably due to the cool temps but I managed a half dozen little rainbows about the same size.

[inline Trout-2.jpg]

[inline Trout-5.jpg]

I was really looking for the goldens that had been here on previous trips but they were nowhere to be found - at least not for awhile. As the sun warmed the water my hope was that they would come out to play. Finally a few of them did and I got this one.

[inline Gold-2.jpg]

I had to fish hard for my second one. Lots of casts with few bites. Then finally I got a grab with some meat in it.

[inline Gold-1.jpg]

The water was cooling down by now with the sun dipping behind the trees. The bite slowed. My feet began to feel the pain of the cold water, even through the wool socks, neo waders, and neo booties. I decided to try to get a shot of myself in the new tube. I was alone so after some trial and error with the automatic shutter button, I managed to set the camera on the edge of a casting platform and get this shot. The boat is pretty even if the dude in it ain't. Gives some idea of how the thing rides with my 175 pounds and light gear.

[inline ODC-1.jpg]
And a side view. I had the seat back adjusted at too great an angle in this photo. I cinched it up after I notice the angle in the picture. Much better.

[inline ODC-6.jpg]

Once I got the fin rhythm down I could power kick and move along at a fair clip.

[inline Powerkick.jpg]

All in all it was a good day once I had a chance to do the tuber's stomp for about 15 minutes to get the feeling back into my toes.

I'm super pleased with the ODC. I would buy another in a heartbeat if I needed one. It rides high on the water so that I got wet only up to my knees. It is well made - especially for the price I paid ($149). It is a little longer and rides a little higher than my Fish Cat 4. It has plenty of pocket space for a flyfisher like me. The foam seat was comfortable all day, though a taller person might want to sit in one to come up with his/her own answer on that one. The stripping apron, though I thought at first it would be the weak point of the boat, turned out to be adequate for holding my fly line, which is the main function of an apron for my kind of fishing. I had mounted a Scotty rod holder on the front to carry my extra rod but that turned out to be a line grabber. I'll experiment with moving it back a bit farther. Since I carry only two rods when I fly fish from a tube, all I need is one holder.

Can't wait to get back out on the water.



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ODC Shakedown and Evaluation (With Pics) - by zonker - 12-10-2005, 05:26 AM

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