06-13-2001, 03:32 AM
G'day Mike (and any other anglers who may get sea sick).<br><br>Basically the idea is to do a few deeply relaxed sessions with a fully qualified/skilled hypnotherapist who provides you with some alternative suggestions to getting sea sick e.g. that you won't get sick. These messages are about settling your inner ears, which control balance and motion, and other parts of your balance phsyiology, which in turn reduces and/or or eliminates the sickness feeling. <br><br>Cost wise, I am not sure how that might, or might not, be covered by various US medical insurances. I suggest checking with them to see if they do and to what extent. <br><br>A lot of MD's are qualified to do hypnotherapy so if you know one then have a chat to them about it, and the cost per session, as an alternative to medication if it does not agree with you or is not working. <br><br>Registered/Practising Psychologists are the other main group of professionals who practice in this area and some even specialise in hypnotherapy so take a look in your local yellow pages. <br><br>I suppose the "short heads up" on this method is comparing it to something like "a sports psychology set of messages" while being deeply relaxed and yet fully concious. <br><br>No "hocus pocus" or anything like you may have seen on TV.<br><br>At the same time, it does work for everyone given that some people are more likely to take up the messages than others. <br><br>Even so, if you have done the "long train and chum line to hell more times than you can remember", then it is one very serious option to consider. <br><br>How's that. A useful enough picture? <br><br><br><br>Burnin Thumbs!<br><br>Steve - The MJB<br>BFT Lures/Baits<br><A HREF="http://www.demonjigs.com" target="_new">http://www.demonjigs.com</A>