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Soldier Creek 11/23
We were going to head to Strawberry Bay or Mud Creek, but when we saw less than a foot of snow everywhere we thought we would give Soldier Creek a try. The road is accessible with 4 wheel drive. Little tricky.

On the ice by 7:00...still dark. There was some open water southwest of the ramp. We headed southeast. Found a point with 30 feet of water. Fished the normal stuff [Wink] tipped with meal worms and shiners. First spot we hooked up 4 fish within 10 minutes, then it died. Moved another 100 yards or so east. Again hooked up with 3 or 4 within 10 minutes before it died. We did this same pattern over and over again. No power auger so my arms are beat. By the end of the day the three of us landed around 25 fish, all of which were slot cutts. The biggest being 21 3/4".

All in all not a bad day.... much better than work to say the least. Where we were fishing there was a solid 7" of ice, with less than an inch of snow on top.

There were a ton of people at the ladders and chicken creek west. Don't know how they did.

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Soldier Creek 11/23 - by Flycasting - 12-23-2005, 10:03 PM

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