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Berry 12/28 BLM HOT STICK
Me, BLM and TKB headed to the secret spot at 0'Dark:30 this AM. Met up with BLM's friend the Big Bad Wolf and his son T (I can't spell his name so his name is now T). (hint, bring your own TP if you need to use the restrooms, thanks for the napkins C/Ler). Met Crestliner, his son and his friend Blake at the launch at first light. Headed to secret spot 07:25. Blake had two before the rest of us were even set-up. Fishing was not hot, except for BLM (keep reading for more info) but me and TKB did manage a dozen before 09:00. I took off to find me the big Bow that would win me fame and fortune in the challange. I found 6' of water off a nice looking point and caught two Cutt's, moved out to 9' of water and caught 3 Cutts. Moved to 26' of water off a nice looking ledge and caught 12 more stinking, stupid non Bow Cutt's. Here's one of the typical size we got. Just because everyone likes pictures.

[inline IFG01.jpg]

About 2 hours later TKB ran in to check on me and said things had slowed way down on SP1 for everyone except BLM. They decided to check out the now named secret spot two (SP2). We nickled and dimed them for and hour or so, with the obvious exception of BLM who continued his slaying ways. (did I mention I hate BLM?) I got fed up with being schooled by an inferior fisherman to myself and ran away from the masses to be alone in the search of the one fish that would set me apart from the rest of them. Picture of TKB, because everyone likes pictures.

[inline Brandon.jpg]
Moved way inside and found 4-9 feet of water, marked the spots on the GPS, they are now named REN0FISH. Because there were zero fish. Got sick of fishing for nothing so went back out to join the masses at SP2. With both daylight and my hopes fading for the one big Bow, or any freakin Bow for that matter, we fished for another 45 mins and called it quits. One more picture of me with a fish. Why? Because everyone likes pictures.
[inline IFG02.jpg]

Most fish were well within the slot except early on. Both TKB and BLM got some 14"-16" Cutts which is nice to see smaller fish too. At least we have different age classes in the lake. TKB got a few nice colorfull Cutt's which I didn't get a picture of because I was very busy getting Jeffed at the time.

Final count:

IFG 30

TKB 36

BLM well over 60

The Wolf's kid T - a lot

The Wolf - Less than his kid but more then IFG


Messages In This Thread
Berry 12/28 BLM HOT STICK - by IceFishingGod - 12-29-2005, 04:12 AM
Re: [Bigcat] Berry 12/28 BLM HOT STICK - by BBW - 12-29-2005, 08:37 PM
Re: [BBW] Berry 12/28 BLM HOT STICK - by Sloppy - 12-30-2005, 12:25 AM

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