01-02-2006, 06:03 PM
[cool][#0000ff]Sharp knives are probably the single biggest factor in getting good fillets. The blade has to slice smoothly through the flesh and bones. Otherwise, it just smashes through and "makes little ones out of big ones".[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Good point about chilling the fish before using the knife. Fresh fish (especially trout) are more limp and can even be flopping around. Killing and chilling allows rigor mortis to set in too. Just make sure you lay them flat while they are "getting tight", or you will have to uncurl them to do the filleting.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Good point about chilling the fish before using the knife. Fresh fish (especially trout) are more limp and can even be flopping around. Killing and chilling allows rigor mortis to set in too. Just make sure you lay them flat while they are "getting tight", or you will have to uncurl them to do the filleting.[/#0000ff]