01-03-2006, 04:55 PM
I use the small pinch on foam indicators also. I'll use beadheads, but I dont like weighted nymphs much for a couple of reasons. Main reason is that I can fish the same nymphs weighted, or un-weighted to get them where the fish are feeding. Sometimes they are taking the nymphs right off the bottom, and sometimes they'll be feeding a little higher in the water column on emergent insects. I use tiny shot and place it between the two flies a few inches below the top fly. I don't snag anymore than I think I should, but I can make quick adjustments. With the tiny shot and the small pinch on, I am able to false cast without tangling my setup. I came across an article (I think in Fly Fishermen) about long line nymphing. This article describes the most common way I nymph. I was out fishing the other day and was comparing the lob cast and roll casting with false casting. What I came up with is when I throw in a false cast or two, I am able to reach cast the flies more accuratly where I want them and I don't have to mend nearly as much. I guess it's all part of the arsenal. Thanks again for all your input.