01-04-2006, 05:57 PM
Geoff we will have to hit the rockperch again soon. Maybe next time we will not get soaked. Man was that snow wet! Next time lets forget the ice shelter and just take a sled and spank those perchies again. We deside that nite to have the perch and boy did the family pig out. We fried them the way we fry up wipers and stripers. Anyways thanks for a fun trip. I am on the hunt for that one ice fly I had. I sure hope someone carries it this year.... I am down to my last one! oh we also fail to mention the big old fish that broke my line. If anyone lands a trout with a genz worm in its mouth can I have the genz worm back lol [
2 weeks in a row with your limit either you are luckiest perch fisherman in utah or there was not a massive die off like some have said. Well lets do it again

2 weeks in a row with your limit either you are luckiest perch fisherman in utah or there was not a massive die off like some have said. Well lets do it again