01-06-2006, 04:47 AM
UTM, Universal Tranverse Mercator, is a coordinate system that breaks the earth up into large rectangles (3D world into 2D rectangles). These squares are zones, i.e. most of Utah is 12N (North). Then all coordinates in that rectangle goes off the lower left corner from 450000, 4500000 - which acts like 0,0 in a way.
Anyway, now that I've
even myself, it's basically another coordinate system that is common among federal agencies. Also, its units are meters. You can also calculate distances and other points alot easier than lat/long if you know your way around the coorindate system.
It sounds complicated, but rather simple. Now converting from Lat/Lon to UTM? That's complicated! [crazy] Let the GPS do it.
Anyway, now that I've

It sounds complicated, but rather simple. Now converting from Lat/Lon to UTM? That's complicated! [crazy] Let the GPS do it.