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Strawberry 1-10 Fishing with my Grandson..
Way to go coldfooter and coldfooter mini me!!!!!

I took my 2 1/2 yr old for the first time the week after Christmas and he also had a blast. The most amazing thing was the puzzled look on his face when I told him that this is where we were going to fish. To him it just seemed like a large snow covered field and he had no concept of the fact that we were standing on a frozen lake. When I drilled the first he hole he said "there's water in there!" And I said "and fish too!" He looked very Confused. I would have got the same look if I had shoveled a hole in my back yard and used the hose to fill it with water and dropped a line in. I handed him the first rod once the jig hit bottom (I figured he had the natural jigging motion all figured out......2 yr olds can't hold still!). I went to drill another hole for my other son and before I even started the hole my first son said "Daddy, fishy pulling!" and I looked over and he had already hooked a fish. So he caught on pretty quick about how fish live in little water holes that we drill in the middle of snowy fields...... Now that is a memory he may be too young to remember for too long but I'll never forget it!

When they are 2-4 years old there are a lot of "1st time" memories!

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Re: [Coldfooter] Strawberry 1-10 Fishing with my Grandson.. - by Bigcat - 01-11-2006, 04:53 AM

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