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E-lake report 1-10-06
[size 1]"P.S. We won't be going back to fish the dam at Electric Lake. Going down and up the dam was miserable. The snow drifts are 5 feet plus. I got stuck in one and would still be there if my cousin wasn't there. We almost left our equipment to retrieve it in the spring."[/size]

Randy, welcome to Electric Lake fishing at its finest! Thanks for plowing a trail for the rest of us.

I foolishly drug my ice shack down that corner of the dam (getting down was an adventure but we got down to the ice in no time at all) and then when we came up we headed up that steep road. About 1/2 way up some guys on snowmobiles came along (they were from UP&L and they were surveying the hole in the bottom of the reservoir that empties into the mine) and they pulled us up the hill and across the dam. Only problem with that was I was holding onto the rope that was attached to my shack and I thought I was going to get my arm pulled off! Yelled at the driver and we tied the rope to the snowmobile.

Messages In This Thread
E-lake report 1-10-06 - by fuzzyfisher - 01-11-2006, 12:12 AM
Re: [N.E.T.O.] E-lake report 1-10-06 - by kidsnme - 01-11-2006, 04:44 PM
Re: [kidsnme] E-lake report 1-10-06 - by N.E.T.O. - 01-11-2006, 04:54 PM
Re: [N.E.T.O.] E-lake report 1-10-06 - by kidsnme - 01-11-2006, 05:01 PM
Re: [N.E.T.O.] E-lake report 1-10-06 - by kentofnsl - 01-11-2006, 05:07 PM

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