01-29-2006, 12:34 AM
We went east of the ramp in an area that produced for us last fall. I have found the best fishing to be in the middle area and away from the shore. I was surprised to find the fishing better in 12' than 16' though. My best jig was a very small pink grub and very small jig head 1/64 oz., that I got at Hooked. I put it under a rat finkie or a jigging spoon. It hooked the perch and trout also.Tipped with meal or wax worm with both equal in results. Fish were all on the bottom. I would bounce the jig on the bottom to get the fish excited, and it worked very well.
Good to see you MGB. We hit the water at the same time a lot, but hardly ever hook up to say hi.
I had by radio on 12 and 7 all day with no responce from anyone. Does anyone use a radio any more?
Good to see you MGB. We hit the water at the same time a lot, but hardly ever hook up to say hi.
I had by radio on 12 and 7 all day with no responce from anyone. Does anyone use a radio any more?