02-01-2006, 06:37 AM
Hey doggonefishin! Good to meet you. Sorry I didn't introduce myself. (wish there was some way to identify BFT folks) I was the guy that stopped by and talked to you. Fishing was OK all day. Someone mentioned it would be a good place to take kids. I wouldn't recommend that until this slush layer freezes. I spent most of the day in 2-3 inches of water. (yuck) The kids will probably fall and get wet. Old holes are not freezing over either, so watch out for those. I almost stepped in one.
I started midway across from the boat ramp and did fair. Then tried the west side and did somewhat better. Then I walked along the west side for several hundred yards. I was the farthest one that way. Fished there from the bank to almost half way across. Never did catch a perch, and I tried hard. Got into some water that was 60-70 feet deep. Still no perch.
I did manage the 22" inch cutt(4.5 lb real fat), 17" & 16" brown, and one 16" rainbow. Other than that it was those pesky little planters. Sometimes they are worse than mosquitos. Guess we need bassrods to come thin them out for us![
I started midway across from the boat ramp and did fair. Then tried the west side and did somewhat better. Then I walked along the west side for several hundred yards. I was the farthest one that way. Fished there from the bank to almost half way across. Never did catch a perch, and I tried hard. Got into some water that was 60-70 feet deep. Still no perch.
I did manage the 22" inch cutt(4.5 lb real fat), 17" & 16" brown, and one 16" rainbow. Other than that it was those pesky little planters. Sometimes they are worse than mosquitos. Guess we need bassrods to come thin them out for us