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CA fishing license fees for 2006
Hi there Nature,

Welcome to the board.

I've had my lifetime with the whole package for 5 years and I'm watching the cost go up every year and listening to some guys complain. Yaaaaaaa it cost me $500 but as TubeN2 said .... If you pay each time for a temp and then........ maybe a salmon, steelhead, or bay bass enhancement it can get costly really quickly!

Lifetime means lifetime and you don't even have to be a resident of California AFTER you have qualified and gotten the license in the first place.

Mine is being paid off pretty quick! Price increase?? Ops .... they did it again !! [Wink]


Messages In This Thread
CA fishing license fees for 2006 - by tubeN2 - 12-21-2005, 09:23 PM
Re: [Nature] CA fishing license fees for 2006 - by JapanRon - 02-13-2006, 06:59 PM

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