03-11-2006, 07:28 PM
Well first I'd cast to #1 (again assuming the approach is on the left) I'd then curse and such because I broke my wrist on the back cast and the fly is hung up on the grass behind me. After pulling my fly free, Id move on to #3 thinking that the fish might be resting in front of the obstical at #2, so I'll cast at #3 and I'll swing my nymph in front of it. While false casting I'd smack the water a few times scaring off any fish located in positions #2 and #3. I'd scratch my head and think "oh well, guess there aren't any fish there either." I'd then take a look at #5 and while trying to get my fly into the right position, the fast moving water causes me to have to mend my line back upstream. While in the process of this I keep pulling the line too hard which puts an unatural movement in the fly drift, still no bites. I'd then think maybe I need to get the fly out there further and in doing so I put a little too much oomph in my cast. This causes my line to become twisted on itself, but I don't realize it until it's in such a huge knot that I have to cut my leader short. I now have a 4' leader. Still no fish. Then the ray of light... the grass is greener thought, #4 looks perfect. That's where all of the fish are. So I tie on a few feet of tippet material retie my fly and head out. I start wading into the water, it's a little slippery and because I am too cheap to buy felt soles or a wading staff I slip a couple of times. Of course my kicking rocks under water absolutely scares away all the fish located in positions 1,3, 5 and 2, so 4 is my only hope. I reach my spot where I can cast to the perfect target zone, take my first back cast... I am so over anxious (and a little pissed off from the eirlier events) that I swing too wildly and throw myself off balance. This causes my foot to slide off of the rock it is perched on and I take a less than graceful plunge into the icy water, filling my waders (a belt? who needs a belt?). Still no fish. I drag my cold and wet kiester out of the water head for the car and drive back to camp. I then tell my wife and friends "I don't think there is a single fish in that whole creek. I fished there all day and didn't catch a thing."
Still beats the best day at work though [
Still beats the best day at work though [
