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Strawberry 3/11/06
I fished Strawberry with five other guys yesterday. We had four snowmobiles, which was sure nice. We encountered about 10 inches of slush, which wasn't much fun. We fished out from The Ladders, and we fished until 1:00 and caught about 25 fish between all of us. Four guys hadn't ice fished before and everyone caught at least one, so that was great. Some of the new guys would have caught a few more, except they had a difficult time recognizing when they were getting a bite, and they got a little (how about a lot) carried away with the hook sets and snapped some lines and even flipped a rod tip about 25 feet. Fish were hitting harder than they often do this time of year. Then Tincanfsh and I headed for Currant Creek Reservoir. There was no slush at Currant Creek, but that is a long ride to catch small cutts (the largest maybe went 11 inches).

Messages In This Thread
Strawberry 3/11/06 - by Playas44 - 03-12-2006, 05:37 AM
Re: [Playas44] Strawberry 3/11/06 - by kentofnsl - 03-12-2006, 04:36 PM
Re: [kentofnsl] Strawberry 3/11/06 - by AFDan52 - 03-12-2006, 04:40 PM

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