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collecting nightcrawlers
Man I remeber from when I was a kid, my dad used to take a car battery and jumper cables, get two good lengths of metal rods...steel I think...pound them into the ground in a flower bed or something and then wet the area for a few minutes...hook up the cables to the battery and the rods.......voila them worms come screemin to the surface. no damage then all you do is gather up what you want and go fishn.

really try this it works flat out. the best part is you can leave the rods in the ground and tie your shrubs off to them in winter and they are there for you to use over and over....I reccomend setting up two or three areas at a time.
man I havent done this for a while....gotta go get me a battery and few steel rods from home depot.LOL

Messages In This Thread
collecting nightcrawlers - by aquaman - 05-14-2005, 01:39 AM
Re: [aquaman] collecting nightcrawlers - by BADFISH - 03-16-2006, 03:00 AM

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