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Premier 3/23 Rockfising
Hey there guys,

Went out Thursday on Pierpoint's 3/4 day Premier, with owner/operator Danny at the helm, Chris on deck, and Bill in the galley for some rockfishing.

Besides all the frozen squid we could use, we hit the bait receiver for those square-nosed little guys called ... I believe ...'greenies'. Boy are those guys hardy, strong swimmers, and great salmon grouper (bacaccio) bait. I'll choose those over anchovies anytime when expecting to hook a number of different species .......if I have to use live (Yuk) bait! Smile

10 fishing club members and 8 or 9 other guys made the trip. Fished mostly mid-depth (for rock fishing) 'spots' dotting here and there at varying distances off Rocky Point. Had a number of other boats out there also making the effort.

The sun was shining, although the wind was kinda nippy, and made for great fishing weather in the morning and lasting all day for that matter. To be honest, that was about the best of conditions we could expect. Everywhere we went the water was this nasty green, the current ripping pretty good and the wind blowing the oppisite direction.

Moved quite a lot in a limited area (didn't travel much distance) constantly fine tuning position ..... which we know .... is sometimes everything! Skipper had to work his tail off to make a decent showing........ with everyone having fish in the sack .... some with limits ... some not.

On bait .... Danny advised everyone to get their salmon grouper with the live bait first then....... switch to the frozen for the other species! This skipper, as do most, don't like to see anglers repeatedly bringing bacaccio (one fish per angler limit) up only to have to throw them back as they've got their one fish. Of course .... the biggest legal fish boated was a 4 or 5 pound (at best) bacaccio)

Among other species we boated .... we got starrys, barber poles, reds, brown rock fish, and either a black or blue rock fish. These last two guys look similar but you can tell the difference as the black has a really rounded anal fin and the jaw or mouth extends past the eye (from the nose). Caught one shark. I wish people would let sharks go. Yes, I understand some taste good still ...

Not much to report on the wildlife, where we were, as there was just one lonely sealion, few birds, and not a big showing of bait in the water!

I tried fishing plastic going from 1/2, 3/4, then 1 1/2 ounce leadhead for ziltch. Ended up using bait and fishing a single hook drop-shot rig on spiderwire braid. Goofing around at the end .... a 16 oz torpedo wouldn't even hold me vertical! Sad

Aside: Used a Newell 5-220 (kinda small maybe) for a while. I was down to 1/8ths of the line and the line started rubbing the front support bar on the reel. Wonder if added drag occurs when this happens? No big deal with rock fish I guess.

Another aside: Returned to the dock and had the skipper tell us they may.... as in might.... go to Catalina tomorrow (Friday). No go for me so I'm making this report now! Boo hoo! To add insult to injury it's possible, again p-o-s-s-i-b-l-e, he'll go to CAT on the weekend too! Light loads or not .... I ain't goin' on no weekend! Smile

After being away from putting my feet on the deck, it felt great just to be out and look at shoreline from the RIGHT direction. We got back to Pierpoint around 5:00 or 5:30.


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Premier 3/23 Rockfising - by JapanRon - 03-24-2006, 06:07 PM

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